Sunday, 16 June 2013

Business Casual Apparel For Men and Women at Workplace

Don't be a business casual causality! Sometimes it seems very awkward when we see a men walks in a office while wearing jeans, t-shirts, baseball cap. It can't be taken as seriously in a professional environment. There needs to be some restrictions applied on the dresses in the workplace. 
       Some people are confused regarding what to wear to look attractive as every company has their own rules  regarding dress codes. People make confusions while selecting their dresses. But in the recent years, many businesses has set their own rules regarding the dress codes.  Although men are having very little choices in selecting their business casuals, but they need to remember some of the following tips for dress down days:
  •          Do keep your dress neat and professional
  •          No T-shirts, only full sleeved shirts, pressed
  •          A shirt with or without tie
  •          No sports shoes, wear leather shoes
  •          Belt should match with shoes

For women there are many options related to dresses as compared to men but still there are many restrictions on them as they can't wear anything as they like to wear. Women that like being fashionable might have a bit of difficulty in accepting what is good as a business casual and what is not. But these days women have the freedom to be little stylish, as they can wear skirts, blazers, dresses rather than wearing suits and dress pants. Women also need to remember few thing while dressing up:

  •         Can wear pants or skirts, not too mini
  •          Blazer or vest can be used rather than suit jacket
  •          No flip-flops or running shoes
  •          No wrinkles, creases, foul smell
  •          Do not wear clothing that is too tight                                                                                 

Video :

Why Business Casual ?

Business casual does not mean any casual. It does not mean wearing jeans even if they are nice. But it still means the shirt and tie for you to look professional. The main difference between the shirt-and- tie attire and business casual attire is that what the people will be wearing at the workplace. A person may wear a dress shirt with or without a tie, but they still need to be dressed properly and look professional.
     A person wearing casuals at workplace enters the Board of Directors office will obviously not give a positive appearance. As your appearance is lot to do with as how you look and perform at a workplace. Casual clothes should not be the same as you wear on weekends but there needs to be something more attractive to look professional.

 I think all have heard that first impression is the last impression. Casual apparel gives a professional look about you and your company, as dressing before going to a office  is quite different from going to a friend's birthday party.
To gain respect from your co-workers and from your boss,  the most important thing is to dressed properly. This is not a Myth, but a reality. If you look at yourself and realize that you are looking professional every day, you get more self confidence and more respect. when you dress in business attire it sends a sound message about the company's image  and also implies that a person is capable, trustworthy and knowledgeable.
A person should always follows some tips before dressing up for going to an office, as apparel is most important entity at a workplace.


Thursday, 6 June 2013

What does casual apparel mean exactly?

To continue on what we started last week here I go about explaining more on what casual apparel means to employers and employees. The main aim of the employer to establish a business casual is to allow or let the employee work comfortably at the workplace but is this followed in the right manner by all employees. Here comes the question? There are a few employees who feel any casual is allowed in the workplace but they forget that it has to be presentable and you should be looking equally decent rather than not taking away attention of other fellow workers. Here are a few casuals that may not give a professional image: tank-tops, shorts, miniskirts, flip-flops, beach wear, night wear, and skin showing clothes, underwear visible clothing and many more to add. Of course each person has his/her own right to dress the way they want but keeping in mind they can be called for a meeting anytime or any client may visit the company. So to look presentable in front of these people we need to wear a casual that looks formal and is comfortable for you to work as well.

The topic has a lot to discuss and debate about. I sometimes feel that when companies have dress code policies do they keep in mind what is the status and image of the company. Yes, they do because reputation is very important. Every employee should respect the company they working for and such policies need to follow strictly and they should keep themselves decent in order to keep up their image as well. When I do my research on this topic I see that most of the companies nowadays mainly keep Fridays as their casual wear day and also have dress codes.